Got Cannabis Seeds? How to Use Them

Have you ever seen bud with seeds? When you visit a licensed dispensary to purchase medical marijuana, chances are you won’t find much of it. That is because marijuana seeds are not the best to smoke. The experience is unpleasant and similar to putting pop rocks in your pipe or cone.
However, you may find that cannabis bud with seeds can be a good deal. Discounts can help make things more affordable for patients. It is a little extra work, but there are many ways you can use cannabis seeds, including ways to germinate seeds, so don’t throw them out.
Check out these great ideas to help you use cannabis seeds to help boost your immune system and health. We will also answer the question that many people have: can you smoke weed seeds?
Why Does My Weed Have Seeds?
When a cultivator finds bud with seeds, they know that something got messed up in the grow room or greenhouse. Every effort is made to prevent female plants from reproducing through pollination.
In the wild, both male and female plants would grow together. Male cannabis plants create pollen sacs, and at the 4-5 week stage of maturity, the sacs release pollen into the air. The wind deposits that pollen on nearby female plants, causing fertilization.
After fertilization, cannabis seeds propagate on the bud. The genetic code enclosed in each seed has attributes from both the male and female plants. Professional cultivators separate male and female plants, and most plants are produced by cloning successful strains (which do not require male plants for pollination).
The natural process of cannabis reproduction has been happening for millions of years. But when cannabis is cultivated for marijuana consumption, seeds are viewed as a critical error (since seeds are so unpopular).
If you have purchased medical marijuana at a discount because it had seeds in the flower, read on! You’ll get some great ideas on how to use those seeds in some delicious (and healthy) ways.
Can You Smoke Cannabis Flower with Seeds?
Snap, crackle, pop! That’s basically the experience you can expect if you pack a pipe or roll a cone and smoke marijuana that has seeds in it. That is because the outside shell of the seed is more heat resistant and does not incinerate as easily as cannabis flower.
The popping sound is quite loud and startling, and when it comes to marijuana use, seeded cannabis is least desirable. Even if you can get past the sensation of smoking something similar to pop rocks, there is another reason why you might not want to smoke marijuana seeds: they taste horrible and are identical to inhaling burnt toast. It can also leave your room smelling the same way, and it is one of those unpleasant scents that linger.
Does Grinding Seeded Flower Work?
Some people think using a grinder to break up the seeds will provide a better quality of smoke. But the content of the seeds and their shells create all the sound effects, smells, and bad flavor.
Grinding up the cannabis seeds or stems to pack your pipe will only result in more of those sound effects. And it will not reduce the flavor or burnt toast scent. But you can still smoke flowers with seeds. But you must get out your best trimming scissors and separate your seeds from the flower.
This is why medical marijuana dispensaries significantly discount seeded flowers. A lot of extra work is required to separate the seeds from the other plant material. But if you don’t mind the effort, you can save a lot of money at the dispensary.
Is Seeded Weed Less Expensive?
Cannabis flower that has seeds is less expensive but not always easy to find. Another reason why patients avoid buying cannabis flowers with seeds is that it obscures the price per weight. Seeds are a lot heavier than flower, so it is hard to tell how much marijuana you are getting versus seeds by the ounce.
Highly seeded flower has lower THC potency. Most people avoid buying cannabis with seeds because they know it results in far less potent flower. A few seeds dispersed in the bud are unlikely to change the potency much. But when the flower is heavily seeded, potency can drop by 50% or more.
What Kind of Marijuana Plants Produce the Most Seeds?
Autoflowering cannabis seeds are most plentiful. So, if you are legally able to grow your cannabis plants and you want to produce a high volume of seeds, purchase auto-flowering cannabis strains. Amateur cultivated plants typically have a higher rate of producing seeded flower because there is an increased risk of cross-pollination in home grow set-ups.
One auto-flowering plant can produce hundreds of seeds. That is because the strains are engineered to grow quickly and easily. The good news is that there are more than 200 different strains of auto-flowering plants to choose from.
Autoflowering Strains of Cannabis Plants
Some of the most popular autoflowering strains include Autoflowering Blueberry, Afghan Kush Ryder, Green Crack Auto, Strawberry Cheesecake Auto, Alaskan Diesel Auto, and Blue Dream Auto.
You will need a male plant to propagate with the female auto-flowering plant in order to produce cannabis seeds. Then, you can choose to dry them as a nutritional supplement, snack, or germinate cannabis seeds for tasty sprouts.
How Do You Separate Cannabis Seeds from Smokable Flower?
If your pot is sticky and seed, you will need to let it dry in a warm place for at least a week. Otherwise, it can be very difficult to separate the seed pods from the flower. Once the flower is completely dry, you can grab a tray and start to separate the seeds.
First, cut up the flower with scissors to break up the cannabis and loosen the seeds. Next, take portions of the flower with seeds and roll it between your thumb and finger. This helps to separate the seeds. Some people also use a wire mesh strainer, as it provides friction that can help make this process easier.
Once the seeds are detached, separate the smokable cannabis material from the seeds and place your seeds in a bag. Check to make sure all the seeds are removed before putting your flower into a storage container.
Do Cannabis Seeds Have High Levels of THC?
If cannabis flower with seeds has lower THC, then that must mean the seeds are highly potent, right? Unfortunately, that is not the case. Both hemp and marijuana seeds have low levels of THC, even if they come from a strain that is highly potent.
The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) states that the level of THC is so nominal (well below the legal threshold of 0.30%) that charges for possession (in reasonable quantities) would be unlikely.
It’s okay to have seeds on hand if you plan to use them for another purpose, as long as you have a small amount of them. In January 2022, the DEA confirmed that cannabis seeds fall under the legal definition of hemp. And they can be sold and purchased without any concerns.
What Can You Use Cannabis Seeds For?
Just because they are low in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and really not the best thing to smoke does not mean that cannabis seeds are not useful. From a nutritional standpoint, hemp and cannabis seeds are a powerhouse of healthy fats and nutrients.
Cannabis seeds contain:
- Up to 43% protein by volume.
- From 8.39% to 13.79% carbohydrate content.
- Phenolics (700 mg per 100 grams of seeds).
- Flavanoid content of 367 mg per 100 grams of seeds).
- Omega fatty acids.
- Vitamin E.
- Calcium
- Iron.
- Zinc.
- Magnesium.
- Sulfur.
- Phosphorus.
Raw cannabis seeds that have not been toasted or cooked present the most nutritional value. Just as THC is released by cannabis flower under heat during decarboxylation, nutrients are naturally released from the seeds when they are subjected to high temperatures.
But there are many delicious ways for you to consume cannabis seeds that can benefit your health. We’ll share some of the most popular methods of eating cannabis seeds, which are easy to prepare at home.
Toast and Shell Seeds for a Tasty Snack
The shells of cannabis seeds are more easily removed when they are lightly toasted. That helps the seed casing or husk dry out and fall away. And you can typically peel them easily with your fingers after they have been lightly toasted.
You can use various methods to toast seeds from a cannabis plant at home. You can use a toaster oven, a conventional oven, or even an air fryer with a silicone or paper liner. One of the easiest ways to toast your cannabis seeds is to put them in a frying pan on medium heat. Before adding your seeds, add a drizzle of canola oil to the pan and heat it. Once the seeds appear light to medium brown in color, remove them.
Place your toasted seeds in a wire colander or strainer over a plate or bowl. Put on your oven mitt, and move the seeds around in the bowl to help loosen the shells. This is the easiest way to remove the seeds from the shells. The cannabis seed should fall away, leaving you with delicious and nutritious toasted cannabis seed ready to snack on.
Create a High Fiber Nutritional Supplement
Are you a big fan of healthy smoothies? If so, you may be adding seeds from the cannabis plant to your blender. If you have a food processor or Magic Bullet, you can turn all your seeds into a shelf-stable powder you can add as a nutritional supplement.
Grab your food processor and Simply place the dried and roasted seeds into your food processor and mix until the seeds are transformed into a dry powder. Then, transfer the powder to an airtight container or spice jar. Now, you can give virtually any meal or snack a natural nutritional boost with marijuana seeds.
Looking for some ideas to add regular marijuana seeds to your diet? You can add the dried seed powder to:
- Smoothies.
- Gravies.
- Soup.
- Salad dressings.
- Bread and home-baked desserts.
- Stir-fried vegetables.
If you haven’t removed all of the seed shells from your cannabis seeds, don’t worry too much about it. For most people, cannabis husks are easily digestible. But because the seeds (and dried powder) are very high in fiber and other micro and macronutrients, use it sparingly. Too much fiber can result in nausea and an upset stomach.
Not Recommended For Use During Pregnancy
The omega fats found in cannabis seeds can provide a nutritional boost for patients living with cancer. It is important to note that however you consume cannabis, it is not recommended for use during pregnancy.
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and minor cannabinoids in all marijuana products have been found to pass through breast milk, and exposure can cause adverse effects for infants, including impairment to brain development.
Use it for Bird Seed
Yes, you read that right. If you have a bird feeder, you can incorporate raw cannabis seeds into your feeder. In fact, many commercial types of birdseed mix have hemp seed in them. That’s because it is high in healthy fats that benefit feathered friends (as well as humans). You can also use it to feed ducks and geese at the park if you are the tree-hugging sort. It’s a healthier snack for them than bread, which is actually harmful to many types of birds and fowl.
Germinate Cannabis Sprouts
Sprouts are a healthy snack and can be added to salads and sandwiches to increase beneficial phytonutrients. While you may be familiar with bean sprouts, did you know you can germinate marijuana seeds and make your own cannabis sprouts, too?
All cannabis seeds need to germinate into sprouts are water and light. It is very easy to move seeds from the vegetative stage to grow tender and tasty cannabis sprouts.
If you want to try growing sprouts from feminized cannabis seeds, you probably have all the supplies you need at home to get started. That includes an airtight glass or plastic container with land, water, and, of course, you’ll need to purchase seeds.
What Do Cannabis Sprouts Look Like?
Viable cannabis seeds will sprout. At first, they will look similar to quinoa, with a small sprout emerging from the shell. However, when contained in a high humidity and airtight container, they can grow to equal the size of bean sprouts and sometimes larger, depending on the strain.
Adding Cannabis Seed Sprouts to Your Diet
Hemp seeds are understood to be a nutritionally dense superfood. However, cannabis seeds are not always recognized for their value. Just as hemp sprouts and hearts are healthy for you, so are cannabis seed sprouts.
Some tests have shown that cannabis sprouts can have even higher concentrations of vitamins and minerals than dry marijuana seeds. Not only is the concentration of nutrients higher, but young plants (sprouts) also have fewer phytates, oxalates, and tannins.
That means regular cannabis seeds that are consumed as sprouts have increased bioavailability. Phytates, oxalates, and tannins are considered anti-nutritional or nutrients that block the absorption of healthy minerals.
Here are some interesting ways you can add cannabis seed sprouts to your diet to help improve wellness:
Cannabis Sprouts on Salads
Please don’t knock it until you have tried it! Some have shared that sprouts made from germinating cannabis seeds are even tastier than bean sprouts. And when it comes to nutrition, they are not only delicious but can also level up vitamin and mineral intake, providing a number of health benefits.
Using Cannabis Sprouts in Smoothies
Smoothies are the fastest and easiest way to consume vegetables and fruits and give your body the nutrition it needs to build a healthy immune system.
Chances are, you already have some favorite smoothie recipes. To boost essential phytonutrients, simply add a handful of cannabis seed sprouts to your food processor.
Garnish Your Sandwich With Weed Sprouts
If you are going to have a sandwich, you might as well make it healthy. To increase the nutritional value of your meal, add a handful of cannabis seed sprouts. Garnish with powerful terpenes like pepper (Carophyllene) or a dash of thyme or rosemary for additional benefits.
Saving Money Vs. Inconvenience
Some people don’t mind separating the seed from the flower; it can save them as much as 30% or more off the cost of smokable cannabis. For others, the process of picking out all the seeds is something they would rather not deal with because it is time-consuming.
Marijuana flowers with seeds are viewed as a cultivation error. You probably won’t see dispensaries proudly displaying it for sale. But if you are looking for a bargain, ask your budtender if there is anything you can buy. Chances are, they have some behind the counter.

Aaron Bloom, an experienced healthcare attorney, serves as the CEO, overseeing the mission and growth of DocMJ and Medwell Health and Wellness Centers since 2016. Aaron’s passion for improving patients’ lives comes from his experience in healthcare. For more than 20 years, Aaron has owned, operated, and represented traditional healthcare organizations. This experience created a passion for finding improved ways to relieve suffering. His goal as CEO is to work daily to provide relief to all patients who seek better health and wellness through the medicinal benefits of medical cannabis and evidence-based alternative medicines.