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Ohio Medical Marijuana Strains for Women

,Ohio Medical Marijuana Strains

From period pain to boosting libido, cannabis has been in the conversation lately about a wide array of women’s health issues. In honor of Women’s History Month, we’re examining how cannabis might be utilized to treat symptoms that women face at different points throughout their lives. We’ll also look at some forms of administration that women reported improved their conditions.


Historically, cannabis as a remedy for menstruation has been well-documented. Ninth century Persian texts cite cannabis to “calm uterine pains.” Chinese medicine texts dating back to 1596 mention ancient remedies recommending cannabis for menstrual disorders. And it was widely reported that Queen Victoria received doses of cannabis for her menstrual pain.

History aside, modern research is scant on the use of cannabis for menstrual symptoms. Neither THC nor CBD affects prostaglandin production, the compound responsible for menstrual cramps. Some scientists believe cannabis may be effective at relieving menstrual pain because of the high concentration of endocannabinoid receptors found in the lining of the uterus.

For a strain that might help with period pain, inflammation, PMS and cramps, look for Harlequin. It’s one of the most popular high-CBD strains in North America, described as bringing clear-headed and uplifting effects.


Some women experience mood changes, irritability, weight gain, low libido, and hot flashes as they reach menopause. Typically, these symptoms are treated with hormone replacement therapy and other prescription drugs. A 2020 study showed that a growing number of women are eschewing traditional treatments, though. The research uncovered surprising evidence of a spike in the number of women reporting they are using cannabis already for the management of their menopause symptoms or would like to explore it due to a concern about taking prescription drugs.

Accordingly to Leafly, the way that cannabis might work to help menopause is that estrogen regulates the fatty acid hydrolase enzyme (or FAAH) that breaks down certain endocannabinoids. When estrogen levels peak, so do endocannabinoid levels. If indeed estrogen utilizes endocannabinoids to regulate mood and emotional response, this could explain why mood swings are more common during menopause, when estrogen levels plummet, and why cannabis might help restore that balance.

For combating depression, stress, and mood swings, Super Silver Haze is a great sativa strain. It can also relieve pain and nausea. For help managing hot flashes, the indica-dominant strain Strawberry Banana reportedly has a cooling effect and can improve your mood.

For women who struggle with dryness, painful sex, or lowered libido as a result of menopause, a strain with balanced THC and CBD can charge up the erogenous zone. Look for strains like Bubblegum Kush, Sour Diesel, and Jilly Bean for these effects.

Breast Cancer

It’s important to note that cancer patients should never seek to use cannabis in place of recommended cancer treatments. However, some scientific evidence indicates cannabis can be a helpful tool in managing the symptoms of breast cancer. The most common reasons people with breast cancer use cannabis are to manage the side effects of chemotherapy. Cancer patients suffer from pain (joint and muscle aches, discomfort, and stiffness), anxiety and stress, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite.

Looking for a good strain for helping to fight the nausea of chemo? Tangie is a hybrid strain that’s been known to be effective in treating nausea and increasing appetite.

Additional Tips

The stress and anxiety that come along with a variety of women’s health issues might be helped by uplifting marijuana strains high in CBD content. Skywalker, Jack Herer, Agent Orange, and Cannatonic are strains that can help relieve stress.

Some women also find that in addition to using medical marijuana, CBD-based lubricants or vaginal suppositories relieve pain and enhance sexual pleasure.

If you’re a woman who’d like to learn more about which medical marijuana strains are right for treating your condition, reach out to one of DocMJ’s trusted doctors today.


Author: Gabrielle Dion Visca

Gabrielle has been writing and editing professionally for the medical and wellness industries for more than 20 years. She’s held positions with The Journal of Pediatrics, Livestrong, The Cincinnati Enquirer, and Patient Pop. She currently writes articles about medical marijuana for DocMJ, and is the founder of the Ohio cannabis journalism non-profit, MedicateOH.


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