Get Approved For An Ohio Marijuana Card From Home | Telemedicine For Medical Marijuana
Even before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of virtual doctor’s appointments, or telehealth, across Ohio and the United States was becoming more popular. However, out as a result of country-wide lockdowns and social distancing,, telehealth has expanded in order to reduce risks of COVID-19 transmission to patients and healthcare workers alike.
House Bill (HB) 122 – more commonly known as the Telemedicine Expansion Act – makes Ohio’s telehealth expansion permanent. HB 122 was passed unanimously by both the Ohio House and Senate and was signed into law on Dec. 22, 2021, by Governor DeWine.
Get Approved For An Ohio Marijuana Card From Home
The team of marijuana doctors at DocMJ Ohio offers telemedicine appointments for those looking to obtain an Ohio Medical Marijuana Card. Residents of Ohio can now have their medical marijuana evaluation from the safety and comfort of their own home, making the approval process easier than before. The health and wellness of our patients and staff is always our priortiy, so we are proud to offer hassle-free virtual appointments during these uncertain times. Schedule your telemedicine evaluation and get approved for your Ohio Medical Marijuana Card today!
Telemedicine For Medical Marijuana in Ohio – How It Works
Telemedicine allows patients with one of the state-approved qualifying conditions to get approved by a certified doctor through video conference. At DocMJ, we use a HIPAA-compliant video conferencing software that is simple to understand and easy to use for patients.
Here’s how it works. After booking your appointment, either online or by calling us at (877) 899-3626, a new patient intake form will be sent to your email address. Similar to most new patient intake forms, you’ll have an opportunity to disclose your medical records and any other information the physician will need prior to issuing a medical marijuana recommendation. Once the intake form is completed, your medical records have been received and we have copies of your state-issued ID, you’ll be all ready to go for your telemedicine appointment.
Prior to your appointment, you will receive a link through email that takes you to your telemedicine appointment. This link can be accessed on a computer, phone, or tablet. Once it is time for your appointment, the video conference with the physician will begin. They will discuss the pros and cons of medical marijuana and confirm that you have a qualifying condition. With the doctor’s approval, you will be registered with the state board of pharmacy to be able to apply for your Ohio Medical Marijuana Card and soon be able to legally purchase from a medical marijuana dispensary.
How To Qualify For an Ohio MMJ Card
In order to qualify for an Ohio Medical Marijuana Card, you must be an Ohio resident, be 18 years or have a legal guardian register as your caregiver, and be diagnosed with one of the following state-approved medical conditions:
To qualify under Ohio law, you must be diagnosed with one of the following state-approved medical conditions:
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Cachexia
- Chronic traumatic Encephalopathy
- Fibromyalgia
- Hepatitis C
- Huntington’s disease
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Sickle Cell Anemia
- Spasticity
- Spinal Cord Disease or Injury
- Tourette Syndrome
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Terminal Illness
- Epilepsy/Seizures Disorders
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
- Crohn’s Disease
- Glaucoma
- Chronic muscle spasms
- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
- Cancer
- Chronic nonmalignant pain
If you meet the abovementioned requirements and are ready to take the next step to get the relief you deserve, book your appointment today.
Author: Dr. Watson
With over 25 years of specialty training in Internal Medicine, as well as fellowship training in Functional and Sexual medicine, Dr. Maginso added Plant Medicine (Medical Marijuana) to her niche practice as of 2017. She is licensed in the State of Florida and attended the University of the East (UERM) in Quezon City, Philippines as well as the University of Medicine and Dentistry in Newark, NJ.
She joined DocMJ in 2019 to align with a known group of compassionate physicians that empower their patients to be better versions of themselves. Her favorite hashtag is #powerpassionperformance, using the combination of optimized bioidentical hormones, medical marijuana, plasma therapies, and sexual wellness.
She is an author, speaker and community advocate for Medical Marijuana, Sexual Health, and the empowerment of mature women.